
4 mei 2023 - Terheijden, Nederland

Het was lang geleden dat ik een motivatiebrief heb moeten schrijven, en deze moest ook in het Engels zijn, wat op zich geen probleem is hoor. Engels ligt me heel goed. Ik wil de motivatiebrief hier delen met jullie.

I myself have always been blessed with a good life and everything I needed: sufficient healthy food, a good education and love. My parents were in the situation that they could offer me this.

Now, I have come to a point in my life where I want to contribute to the positive change in children’s lives, and their families. Give them the basics that every human being should have. Good nutricious food, access to medical facilities and the opportunities for the parents to give their kids a better life for a brighter future.


I am thankful for my life and all the opportunities that I had. Being born in a wealthy country in Europe allowed me to have a relatively carefree, happy and healthy life. But I realize that, unfortunately, there is still a gap between the Western world and the African world. And I want to “give something back to the world” and then especially the less fortunate countries, like Tanzania.

I want to be part of the community and experience their challenges to have a meal everyday, especially kids who need this to grow up to be strong and healthy. And I want to support by educating them and help them to improve their situation.

Besides this I want to put a smile on the kids' faces. They deserve to not have to worry about all things I mentioned here above. They should have the opportunity to be a child, to learn, to play and have fun.

I want to make a difference in the lives of these families and kids!